The Knight ~ The Archetype of Quest

Have you ever wanted to slay a dragon and rescue the princess,

~ have one great adventure after another

~ stay loyal and true to your code of chivalry

~ be admired by your friends and all those you meet on your journeys of adventure and conquest.

If you have the Knight archetype ~ this book is for you.

If you know a friend who has the Knight archetype ~ this book is for both of you.

The individual who has the Knight archetype is a person on a mission. They are the elite warriors. They are on a mission of adventure, rescue or conquest. They are courageous, determined, loyal and chivalrous.

This book gives you an insight into how to use the archetypal energy and positive personality traits of the Knight. It does so in an informative and entertaining way. It informs you of the qualities of the Knight. It tells you about other archetypes that complement the energy and personality of the Knight. It suggests the various occupations and employment opportunities that best suit the Knight.

Understanding the personality traits of the Knight gives purpose to your adventures. It gives you an understanding of your true self.

*Paperback (38 pages)

To purchase this book:

Within Australia: via PayPal, visit Brian Dale Archetypes ~~~ $15.00 AUD (includes postage and handling within Australia).

Outside Australia: via Amazon US $7.50 US ~~~Amazon UK  £5.89 ~~~ ( Also available from Amazon throughout Europe)