I am Myself, Be Yourself

I am Myself, Be Yourself by Jeremy ‘VOS’ Godden

     ~ Enter the world of Jeremy “VOS” Godden through his art.

Jeremy Godden is an extraordinary talent, with an amazing insight into the world around him. Diagnosed at the age of twelve with Jacobsen Syndrome, Jeremy is an emerging “savant”. His Jacobsen syndrome, and autistic mind, allow Jeremy to see the world through different eyes, bringing a unique look into his mind of the world around him, which he reveals in his art.

Jeremy incorporates many different media into his artwork, working under the name of VOS as his graffiti tag name.

The main focus of this book is to bring about awareness, shed some light on what has helped him during his informative years and his gift to mankind.

*Paperback (86 pages)

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Within Australia: fill in your order on the Contact Us page  ~~~ $15.00 AUD (includes postage and handling within Australia).

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