Archetypes-unmasking your true self

Archetypes-unmasking your true self is the essential reference book about archetypes.

We all have archetypes. This book deals with 98 individual archetypes.  Archetypes are a personal representation of human characteristics. They are a blueprint. They determine our personality traits.

So . . . . Who are you? Are you a King, a Queen, a Knight, a Rescuer, a Mother, a Servant, a Healer, a Priestess, a Goddess a Coward or a Hero? These are archetypes.

Everything you think, say and do is determined by your archetypes. Once you know your archetypes, you gain a deep understanding of who you truly are. All archetypes have negative and positive energies or personality traits. When you understand these energies and identify the personality traits associated with your personal archetypes, you are on the pathway to self-empowerment.

Archetypes-unmasking your true self gives you a plan. The book shows you how to initiate change. If there are aspects of yourself or your circumstances you would like to change, then there is a plan to show you how to navigate change.

*Paperback (354 pages)

To purchase this book:

Within Australia: via PayPal, visit Brian Dale Archetypes ~~~ $35.00 AUD (includes postage and handling within Australia).

Outside Australia: via Amazon US $20.00 US ~~~Amazon UK  £15.95 ~~~ ( Also available from Amazon throughout Europe)