

Possumwood Publishing is a publishing business established for individuals who seek assistance to self-publish. We offer advice and services that are required to self-publish. Please be aware that we are not a distribution company.


You have written your manuscript and you wish to self-publish. There are a range of things to consider.

  1. Has your manuscript been edited?
  2. What size best suits your material and your book?
  3. What is the best font size?
  4. Are there illustrations and have they been included in your manuscript?
  5. Has the front and back cover been designed?
  6. Do you want an ISBN number?

These are the basic design questions that need consideration.


There are further decisions that have to be made regarding the cost/benefit analysis.

  1. How many copies do you want? You need to consider the lower the number the higher the price. However, you need to be realistic with your budget and distribution.
  2. What is your selling price? This may determine the number of copies you print.


  • EXAMPLE A: Children’s fiction book, 200 pages, A5 size, number 14 font, black and white illustrations, colored front and back cover, print run 100 copies.

Printing costs: $8-25 per copy. Front and back cover graphic design costs: $2-10 per copy. Illustrations were free of charge. Editing was free of charge.

Total print cost: $10 -35 per copy. This book sells at $15-00 so there is a profit margin.

Postage: Must be considered in your distribution costs. Postage on this book is $2-00.


  • EXAMPLE B: Reference book, 345 pages, A5 size, number 10 font, black and white illustrations, colored front and back cover, print run 100 copies.

Printing costs: $13-50 per copy. Front and back cover design was free of charge. Illustrations were $1500 but these were purchased outright to use in other publications. Editing was $6-00 per copy.

Print cost: $19-50 per copy although this excluded the cost of illustrations.

This book sells at $30. Postage and handling cost $6-90 which must be added on to the cost of the book if distribution is via the post.



As you can see there are a whole range of items to consider. Costs will vary depending upon the product you want and the services required.

 Possumwood Publishing is happy to give advice and offer various services. Quotes will be given free of charge and all charges will be kept to a minimum. Some services you may be able to source free of charge.

Your decision is to outline your product and your budget.



Possumwood Publishing is not a distribution company. However, we are happy to display your product on our web site and if applicable display and sell copies at various workshops and events.


Possumwood Publishing was initially established to publish “Archetypes  – why you do what you do” written by Brian Dale. Brian conducts archetype workshops Australia wide and attends and lectures at a variety of festivals and exhibitions. It was important to have his knowledge and expertise as a reference book. Hence, the establishment of Possumwood Publishing.

Brian Dale is an experienced primary school teacher, librarian, storyteller, author, playwright, drama teacher, director, archetype consultant and workshop facilitator.

As a primary school teacher he has over 35 years experience having taught in both public and private schools. He was a founding member of, and teacher, at Tarlina Community School, Victoria.

Brian oval.gifBrian is a trained teacher-librarian and entertaining storyteller. His storytelling led him into writing children’s books. He is a published author and his stories for children have been used in standardized tests by both the Victorian and South Australian Education Departments.

One of his greatest passions is drama and performing arts. In 2004, Brian and Lee Purdie founded Bright Lights Performance School. Bright Lights is based in Byron Bay/Ballina and trains students in drama, dance, singing and stage performance. Brian has written, produced and directed many Bright Lights performances. He has also written and directed over twenty school musical productions, both in Victoria and New South Wales.

“There are many rewarding aspects to working in the field of stage performance. It is a joy beyond description to witness the wonderful boost to each performer’s self-esteem as they develop their performance skills. Children especially benefit enormously from the experience. Involvement in performance allows each student to express their creativity and improve their individual skill level in acting, dancing and singing. As a bonus, there is that unique development of friendship and bonding with all members of the performance troupe.”

Brian’s giftedness in archetypes is only a recent discovery. In 2002, his insightful wife, Robyn, inspired him to be trained as an archetype consultant at the Australian Institute of Caroline Myss. Archetypes are universal personifications, such as, Princess, King, Victim, Warrior, Rescuer and many more. We continually use archetypal energy in our daily lives. Brian realized that he could assist people in the discovery and understanding of their true selves, how they operate in the various aspects of their lives and how to bring change for their betterment and the betterment of others.

“Archetypes give us an understanding of who we truly are. We begin to change our lives when we move from the negative aspect of an archetype to the positive aspect of that archetype.”

Brian’s intuition and insightful observations have assisted many people to fully understand themselves and their place in this physical world. He has facilitated many archetype workshops in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne as well as his home area, the Byron Shire.

Brian has a remarkable ability in assisting individuals to discover their inner self, reveal and pursue their passion, heal past wounds and injustices and stimulate their creativity.

“This is a gift I am happy to share. I am truly humbled to be able to facilitate each client to understand their nature and to support them in their life’s journey.”

With the passing of his daughter, Tahla, Brian has been inspired to investigate the Afterlife. This has taken him on a new and exciting pathway. With the assistance of Tahla and her spirit guide, Simeon, Brian is keen to pass on their messages and information about what happens to us when we depart from this physical world.

“This is a stimulating journey and I am relishing every step and every experience.”

In his spare time Brian loves to garden, play golf, walk several fluffy dogs and write children’s stories. Brian and his wife Robyn have been married for over forty years and we have three wonderful children, Adam, Jade and Tahla and the most amazing grandchildren, Luca and Lilly.